Activator Method

Arrange treatment sessions featuring the Activator Method in Scarsdale, NY, by contacting Dr. Maxine Helman.

What Is the Activator Method?

The injuries and conditions responsible for chronic pain are often related to misalignments in the musculoskeletal system. As long as those misalignments persist, you can expect your chronic pain and other symptoms to remain. You’ll be glad to know that chiropractors can fix those misalignments using different treatments. The Activator Method is one of the treatment options Dr. Helman may use.

For those unfamiliar with the Activator Method, this chiropractic treatment involves the usage of a special instrument known as the Activator. Chiropractors like using the Activator method because it allows them to focus on a small area. They don’t have to worry about disturbing surrounding structures because the Activator is a mechanized wand that delivers a controlled amount of force through the instrument’s end. 

Patients receiving treatment may also find the Activator Method more appealing. Unlike other methods of administering chiropractic adjustments, the Activator Method doesn’t involve twisting the body or popping joints. Your body can easily accept the adjustments because they are completed before you tense up.

Although the Activator administers high-speed thrusts, it remains gentle on the body. You won’t feel any discomfort during or after treatment. Downtime is also unnecessary for treatment sessions featuring the Activator Method. Resuming your activities following treatment shouldn’t be an issue.

Enjoy the benefits of the Activator Method in Scarsdale, NY, by working closely with Dr. Helman.

What Conditions Can Be Addressed Using the Activator Method?

Your chiropractor can use the Activator Method to alleviate back and neck pain related to misalignments. It can also be effective for disc issues.

Some kinds of headaches can also benefit from the Activator Method. By using the Activator on your upper body, your chiropractor can alleviate the stress and tightness in the upper back and neck that sometimes causes tissues in the head to tense up.

Reach out to Dr. Helman by calling 914-722-7688 and schedule treatment sessions featuring the Activator Method in Scarsdale, NY.

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